Awards and More

Awards History

2018Best Paper Award, Silver Prize (2018)
201428th Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities
Best Paper Award, Silver Prize
2010Selected as Superior NPO in the Educational field by MEXT
2010CRM (Customer-centric Relationship Management) Association Japan, Best Practice Award
2004JUCE (Japan Universities Association for Computer Education) Research Presentation of Nationwide Universities on Computer Education, Minister of MEXT Prize


Status of Competitive Fund-Raising

Name of programName of project
National Institute of Informatics publicly offered joint researchFor strategic research / 2016 / 2017 / 2018
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)Basic research B / 2017 (3 yrs)
Support Program for Strategic University Partnerships to Enhance University EducationExpansion of “knowledge areas” in cooperation with universities in Hokkaido, Kanto, Tokai, and Kinki areas (2009)
High-quality University Education Promotion ProgramCultivation of student academic ability, humanity, and sociality (2008)
Cyber Campus Improvement Project(Ongoing)Expansion of industry-academic-government e-learning education on a global scale focused on cooperation between universities (2007)
Endorsement Program for University Education with Predominant FeaturesAn educational learning support system to enhance student autonomy- Utilizing TIES live tutoring school and cyber tutor – (2004)
Cyber Campus Improvement ProjectCollaboration and sophistication of university education corresponding to the era of mega-competition (2003)


Media Coverage

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun(28/01/2011)

Delivery of Management Seminar video clips

Osaka Prefecture and Tezukayama University collaborate in continuing education

MSN, Yahoo News, Nikkei Career Collage, Livedoor News, iZA, Education. com, Shushoku・Tenshoku News etc.(25-30/12/2010)Winner chosen for University Senryu Contest
Sankei Shimbun(25/12/2010)Results presentation for the TIES Senryu Contest
Asahi Shimbun(18/10/2010)Access to university lectures anytime online
Asahi Shimbun(17/09/2010)【Keijiban(bulletin board)】University lectures delivered online
Nagoya Living(03/09/2010)Okay to audit valuable university professors’ lectures for free
Asahi Shimbun(03/09/2010)Cultural Seminar connecting Nara and Ainu in Hokkaido
My Town Nara(02/09/2010)Diverse array of university lectures able to audit for free of charge using e-learning system
Nara Shimbun(16/08/2010)University lectures delivered free online
Nara Shimbun(08/07/2010)Preliminary online typing contest
Sankei Shimbun(28/03/2010)Announcement of the final judge for the TIES Senryu  (humorous poem) Contest
Seikyo Shimbun(15/08/2009)Universities as a “Hub of Knowledge” for regional development
The Hokkaido Shimbun Press(07/31/2009)Learn from 5 universities out of Hokkaido in Sapporo University