New CHiLO Books “OER Collection” released

New series “OER Collection”  has been added to CHiLO Book Library!

CHiLO Books are also accessible from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
Use these e-books as materials for active learning!

<Browse/Download from here
Currently, five books released!
Additional volumes to be issued
OER Collection→→→

★ About CHiLO Book “OER Collection”
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“OER Collection” is a collection of high-quality learning materials created in various educational institutes around the world redesigned into CHiLO Books to make it easy to use at schools and other places for education.
The material utilized in the series are released under creative commons license, which enables free usage, reconstructing, altering, and redistributing. Following are the usage methods:

◆Use as learning resource by informing URL to learners.
How to use, see the following:

◆Download and distribute through school LMS or server.
How to redistribute CHiLO Book, see the following:

◆To add or alter a portion of the content (including quizzes).
We will send you documents regarding CHiLO Book customization (free of charge).
For details, contact: